Part three: Oncology shaping the future of personalised healthcare

In the third part of our video round table debate on how oncology is shaping the future of personalised healthcare, the expert panel focusses on the critical role that pharmaceutical companies can play in ensuring such novel therapeutic approaches deliver value to patients.
This media accompanies the round table video debate 'Oncology shaping the future of personalised healthcare', sponsored by AstraZeneca.
Continued from 'Oncology shaping the future of personalised healthcare part two'
In part three of our round table debate, the participants share their views on the role for the pharmaceutical industry in driving personalised healthcare forwards, how it can better liaise with doctors and patients, addressing key issues around market access in relation to cost-containment and the right model for partnership with diagnostics companies.
(round table filmed July 2013)
For more details of the participants and associated media visit the media hub page via the link below.
Other links:
'Oncology shaping the future of personalised healthcare media hub'