Part one: Oncology shaping the future of personalised healthcare

In the first part of our video round table debate on how oncology is shaping the future of personalised healthcare, the participants discuss what has already been achieved in delivering more targeted treatment to cancer patients.
This media accompanies the round table video debate 'Oncology shaping the future of personalised healthcare', sponsored by AstraZeneca.
Here, Paul Tunnah introduces the overall topics for the round table debate and asks the participants to deliver their verdict on how we define personalised healthcare, what it has already achieved and what we have learned from early progress in treating cancer patients.
(round table filmed July 2013)
For more details of the participants and associated media visit the media hub page via the link below.
Other links:
Part two: Oncology shaping the future of personalised healthcare
Oncology shaping the future of personalised healthcare media hub