Solution Spotlight: REVEAL reimagines scientific posters

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Solution Spotlight IPG Heath Med Comms

Scientific posters are often the first release of clinical data to the medical community. REVEAL is an end-to-end tailored platform that revolutionises the way scientific posters are created, enhanced, hosted, and accessed, offering a comprehensive, accessible, and easy-to-use solution. The REVEAL platform ensures broader access, better engagement, and insightful analytics, making it easier for HCPs to stay informed and provides valuable insights into HCP behaviour.

science poster example

What problem or status quo deficiency are you solving?

In the realm of scientific communication, traditional posters serve as critical conduits for HCPs seeking the latest scientific data. However, as new technologies emerge, the landscape of scientific poster communication is shifting towards digital solutions. The challenge lies in engaging a wider audience with compelling scientific data to bridge the gap between evidence and clinical practice more swiftly.

Science and data form the backbone of omnichannel communications, but HCPs, like all of us, expect a more personalised experience. They want easy access to data at their convenience, in formats that are easy to find, understand, and engage with. Moreover, they seek 24/7 accessibility beyond the confines of physical or virtual conferences. Our platform addresses these needs, offering a seamless, engaging, and accessible way to disseminate scientific data, ensuring that HCPs can stay informed and connected anytime, anywhere.

What has made this problem challenging to address in the past?

Traditionally, scientific posters have been available only for the limited duration of the relevant conference, often as static PDFs, making them difficult to access. This limited availability means that rich data, while valuable, often loses broader clinical context and application. Furthermore, access to these posters has been restricted to those who can attend these conferences, creating a barrier for wider dissemination and slowing the adoption of new clinical practices.

The pharmaceutical industry has struggled with hosting and distributing these posters in a controlled, user-friendly platform. Managing embargo dates across different time zones, handling editorial reviews, approvals, and distribution has been complex. Additionally, the lack of granular metrics has hindered the ability to refine communication strategies and improve future data dissemination.

Our REVEAL platform solves these challenges by offering a comprehensive, easy-to-use solution that ensures broader access, better engagement, and insightful analytics, making it easier for authors to stand out and for HCPs to stay informed.

What new innovations does your solution bring to bear on these challenges?

Our platform, REVEAL, revolutionises the way scientific posters are created, hosted, and accessed. It allows for the centralisation of all your scientific posters, whether you have a single asset or multiple assets across various therapy areas. With REVEAL, you can create custom poster halls for each scientific congress, enabling HCPs to easily access all of your data for a specific event in one place. These poster halls are available throughout the conference and, importantly, remain accessible beyond it, ensuring continuous engagement with your data.

One of the noteworthy features of REVEAL is its advanced search and filter functionality, which makes finding relevant information quick and effortless. HCPs can search by author, date, or title, streamlining access to the data they need. Additionally, REVEAL enhances content with multimedia options, such as videos from authors and advanced data visualisation tools. This not only improves accessibility and understanding, but also increases interest in the data presented.

The platform’s integration capabilities allow content developed and hosted within REVEAL to seamlessly fit into an omnichannel strategy, ensuring consistency and efficiency in your communications. REVEAL supports on-demand content availability across all devices 24/7 and offers options for developing HTML responsive content within the platform.

Furthermore, REVEAL provides advanced metrics that offer deep insights into HCP behaviours and their level of interaction with the data. These insights are invaluable for shaping future medical communication strategies and enhancing data engagement. The REVEAL platform is an innovative response to the changing landscape of poster presentations that ensures that your scientific data stands out and reaches a broader, more engaged audience.

science poster example

How does your solution work?

REVEAL is an end-to-end platform tailored for pharmaceutical and biotech companies, scientific associations, and medical communications providers. It hosts scientific posters organised by congress, therapy area, or product. REVEAL simplifies the creation of responsive HTML posters, allowing for the addition of supplementary content like audio, video, infographics, and additional presentations. Its comprehensive CMS system facilitates easy uploads, responsive poster creation for all devices, editorial reviews, and approvals, alongside the management of embargo dates across time zones and the generation of QR codes. Posters can be added, deleted, or amended with just a few clicks.

What makes your solution stand out in the market?

Unlike other platforms that only create QR codes and host PDF posters with basic metrics, REVEAL offers fully responsive posters accessible across all devices and platforms with comprehensive metrics. It enhances data relevance for all HCP audiences and clinical practice, allowing HCPs to share important clinical data in real-time. REVEAL also manages poster access with embargo and archive dates, organises posters meaningfully, enables real-time editing, and tracks interactions with real-time analytics and metrics dashboards.

science poster example

What concrete outcomes and KPI benefits does your solution convey?

REVEAL provides crucial access to scientific posters whenever HCPs wish to view them, beyond the limited timeframe of medical conferences. It offers additional enhanced content that boosts engagement and understanding of scientific data, closing the gap between evidence and clinical practice, ultimately leading to better patient outcomes. Built-in metrics and dashboards allow comprehensive data analysis by congress, therapy area, individual posters, and poster types. Detailed reporting includes metrics such as downloads, views of supplementary content, dwell time, and email and social shares. Our comprehensive engagement metrics demonstrate that posters with additional, easy-to-digest content receive significantly higher engagement than static PDF content.

What further improvements or innovations do you have in store for the future?

We are excited to include our interactive data visualisation capabilities into the platform, enabling a more personalised user experience where they can select specific data of interest to them. We are continuing to adapt and update the platform to widen its usage, including the inclusion of Plain Language Summaries. Measuring the impact of medical communication strategies and tactics has long been the zenith for many medical teams. With this in mind, we are integrating REVEAL into a new suite of tools designed to measure the impact of medical communications, covering publications, posters, congress activities, medical education, and more. Watch this space!

About IPG Health Medical Communications 

IPG Health Medical Communications

IPG Health is a global collective of the world’s most celebrated and awarded healthcare marketing agencies. We are 6,500+ people across six continents driven by a healthy obsession with creating novel marketing solutions, and harnessing creativity, technology, science, and data to inspire behaviors that fuel better health. IPG Health Medical Communications is home to the network’s eight Medical Communications agencies. Within our agencies, we provide services including publications, medical affairs, medical education and regulatory writing. We are proud to have received global recognition for our work, with accolades from Communiqué Awards, Manny Awards, PMEA, PharmaTimes Awards, and The Princess Royal Training Awards for our early-career training program. IPG Health is part of the Interpublic Group of Companies (NYSE:IPG). Visit to learn more.

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IPG Health