Company Profile: 60 Seconds

Sales & Marketing
Company Profile: 60 Seconds
Marcus West
APAC - Sydney, Australia; Europe - Verona, Italy.
Number of Employees
Area of Focus
The enhancement of coaching processes and practice
The Americas, Europe, and APAC

For many years and often still today, companies have held occasional workshops and are satisfied their people development efforts are done.

At 60 Seconds, we challenge that position and create a process which “pulls through” coaching training goals, so that, over time, those involved are measurably improved across a range of skills, including but not limited to:

  • Leadership
  • Communication skills
  • Coaching
  • Storytelling
  • Sales skills
  • Launch excellence
  • Media training
A global team of experts: The 60 Seconds coaching network

The 60 Seconds coaching network is made up of coaches from all over the world who are experts in their field. As a result, we offer clients an agreed and potent mix of consultancy and technology. The technology has been used by thousands of pharma professionals over the course of the past ten years. The coaching app itself has been carefully honed based on specific user feedback from coaches and coachees.

“The real value of this tool is that it engages everyone in the team from Marketing to Medical, Training, Sales Managers, and Sales Reps. It enables us to put our key strategic sales and scientific content into practical real-life scenarios that our salespeople can then practice their communication skills in delivering impactful messaging and receive coaching along the way. It has also aligned very nicely with our efforts in utilising a more ‘digital’ way of working!”

Working with some of the best coaches in the world, we bring you cutting-edge people development solutions in-market, in local language. Our people development work is carefully scoped to include an ideal balance of in-person workshops and remote mentoring, all supported by state-of-the-art tech, which provides measurable data for company leadership, delivering actionable insights to more effectively develop their most important asset: people.

App usage and adherence: All about the sticking factor

But, in all our engagements, our real skill is deployment. About five years ago, we were a bit frustrated by levels of usage being dictated by the enthusiasm for coaching the manager had, so, we thought we had to work out how to make the app much more “sticky” within each company, dependent upon their needs and how we could streamline a more successful approach to people development and ensure the outcomes were measurably more impactful.

Every stakeholder needed to “come along for the ride” of the change - a movement from an ad hoc, occasional exploration of coaching to something so much more meaningful and useful to the organisation and, ultimately, to customers as well.

”60 Seconds is a great tool which provides the manager the opportunity to coach their KAMs. The app itself for the KAM is very easy and allows them to take the time to think about and prepare their response (script) to a specific scenario that has been set for them. Video recording of their prepared script helps to increase awareness for the KAM on both verbal (tone, pace) and non-verbal communication to further refine and improve through additional practice. The gallery allows the sharing of the videos and promotes the exchange of best practice examples amongst the team”.

We are all on a journey to deliver a palpable coaching culture; an environment where users are able to be fully engaged in their own self-betterment. Where managers can coach more incisively and more efficiently, and where management can get a clear “read” on the skill level of their people. 60 Seconds is about empowering everyone in the coaching “supply chain”.

Medical Affairs: A case study

One of the most exciting areas of change with our clientele is in Medical Affairs. Field medical teams are growing all around the world and considerably more is being demanded of MSLs in their communication with KOLs. MSLs are at the vanguard of medical storytelling and, as a result, require considerably more nurturing.

“Effective scientific exchange calls for effective communication, which is critical to the success of MSLs. With 60 Seconds, our medical team now have a very useful tool not only to help MSLs practice their scientific delivery and communication skills, but also to provide an integrated means of remote coaching. Importantly, this is achieved via a medium that helps them to practice communicating remotely, which is particularly relevant to their day-to-day scientific exchange in our current climate of remote engagement. As with any new tool, it requires the requisite training and support to get over the initial inertia in adopting and using the tool to its full advantage. The 60 Seconds team has provided and continues to provide outstanding support in this regard with their expertise and in their proactive approach and commitment to making 60seconds a success for the Eisai medical team.”

In terms of communication skills development, taking dense scientific data and working to make it digestible is a significant challenge. We have seen the scientific narrative very effectively broken down and explored in more accessible, meaningful ways for audiences. But with information moving so fast nowadays, companies need to be nimbler in their development of medical narrative, their sharing of best practice, and their updates, not to mention ongoing skills development. This series of tasks cannot be executed without coaching excellence and tech to embed.

Communicating with clarity, consistency, and conciseness

The 60 Seconds Coaching App is a remote coaching app for field teams who want to communicate to customers with clarity, consistency, and conciseness.

“The 60 Seconds App has enabled us to provide more regular coaching and feedback exchanges with our KAMs, but is also a platform in which ‘best practice’ examples can be shared amongst the team at any time. The best practice sharing has encouraged our people to learn from their peers, which has resulted in much greater buy-in. Feedback on typical and real customer interactions from our KAMs has allowed us to build realistic scenarios for them to work on, practice, develop, and share. The collaborative effort between Sales, Marketing, and Training has also allowed us to develop some great new scenarios around new product messaging for our KAMs to then practice their delivery before they go live with their customers.”

It is an intuitive platform designed to enhance coaching interactions and build a systemised, measurable people-development ecosystem that drives operational excellence and takes training from an occasional off-site workshop, which is quickly forgotten (see Hermann Ebbinghaus' "Forgetting Curve”), to a model that is on-demand, continuous, and generates evidence-based capability insights.

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60 Seconds