Virtual workshop - Unveiling the Potency-Efficacy Connection: Integrating Functional Assay Readouts for In Vivo Insights

Virtual workshop - Unveiling the Potency-Efficacy Connection: Integrating Functional Assay Readouts for In Vivo Insights

Chaired by Nathan Majewski of Rocket Pharmaceuticals and Cheryl Cox of Moffitt Cancer Center, attendees will discover the transformative potential of integrating functional assay readouts for In Vivo insights. Gain invaluable knowledge on the relationship between potency and efficacy, and witness how functional assay readouts can revolutionize your understanding of in vivo responses. Limited trial places are available, so apply now to join this workshop and see how a Searchlight subscription can benefit you.

Unveiling the Potency-Efficacy Connection: Integrating Functional Assay Readouts for In Vivo Insights

June 27, 2023, 11 AM EDT (Virtual Workshop)

Join the upcoming Cell Therapy Analytical Development Searchlight digital workshop to delve into the world of potency and efficacy in cell therapies. Discover how to harness the power of functional assays for deeper insights and explore compelling case studies on optimizing potency and efficacy profiles. This gathering of Cell Therapy experts aims to foster innovation in assessing potency and efficacy, offering you the perfect opportunity to engage with industry leaders and seek answers to your burning questions.

The workshop will be led by one of our Advisors:

  • Nathan Majewski, Director in Analytical Development at Rocket Pharmaceuticals
  • Cheryl Cox, Director in Operations of Cell Therapies at the Moffitt Cancer Center

Register your interest in securing your spot in this digital workshop and participate in meaningful discussions.

Apply to join the workshop >

About the network

Cell therapy holds immense potential to revolutionize medicine. However, numerous clinical holds and regulatory delays have hindered the number of cell therapies making it to the market, leaving crucial questions unanswered and guidance unclear. That's why the industry came together to create the Cell Therapy Analytical Development Searchlight network. Developed by the Cell Therapy Analytical community, this network aims to expedite the development of safe, effective, and potent cell therapies while serving as a unified voice to align with and influence regulators.
