Immunometabolism: Providing a new era of targeted medicine

pharmaphorum podcast episode 100a

In a new episode of the pharmaphorum podcast, web editor Nicole Raleigh speaks with Neil Weir, CEO of Sitryx Therapeutics, a smaller biotech that specialises in immunometabolism – a rapidly emerging and exciting area of investigation into the role of intracellular metabolic pathways in immune cells.

Ever fascinated with science, and especially its cutting edge, Weir explains his journey to today, working with metabolic pathways – and moving from a large organisation to small – and how immunometabolism as a field can shift things for patients, providing a new era of targeted medicine and, potentially, reverse disease.

With T-cells and B-cells having become mainstream terminology during the pandemic, immunology and the power of the immune system to turn on itself became mainstream knowledge, also. However, Sitryx is addressing autoimmune inflammatory diseases, such as inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn’s, ulcerative colitis, and rheumatological and dermatological conditions. The key, Weir says, is to take a focused approach in the modulation of pathways.

So fascinating is the field, in fact, that a collaboration with Eli Lilly & Co is underway.

Who knows what the next decade or two will hold? Less serendipity, and more metabolic modulation by design, perhaps.

You can listen to episode 100a of the pharmaphorum podcast in the player below, download the episode to your computer, or find it - and subscribe to the rest of the series - in iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and Podbean.