3rd mRNA Analytical Development Summit

3rd mRNA Analytical Development Summit

100+ Technical mRNA Specialists | 35+ Expert Speakers

As access to faster and higher-throughput analytical methods becomes increasingly vital, it is critical that we employ superior analytical approaches for mRNA-based therapeutics and vaccines to ensure high quality and effective drugs are approved, whilst adhering to regulatory guidelines.

The 3rd mRNA Analytical Development Summit returns to Boston in February to seek and discuss new guidelines and identify a path forward with tangible best practices to ensure reliable analytical methods are guiding mRNA production, purification and formulation optimization for approval of high quality, compliant mRNA drugs for patients in need.

Download the three day program here: https://ter.li/nabulw 

100+ Heads, Directors and Senior Scientists of Analytical Development, Quality Control, CMC and Regulatory Affairs will deep dive into analytical development techniques and challenges within mRNA drug product and drug substance, eager to glean insights into future analytical methods to safeguard regulatory submissions in 2024 and beyond.

Join them and register your place here: https://ter.li/snnhbz 

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