A new approach to mental health - the Health Heroes podcast

The third episode of Kantar's Health Heroes podcast looks at the effects of increased anxiety on patients’ attitudes and behaviours during the pandemic and how approaches to mental health in the US need to change.
Lynnette Cooke, global CEO of Kantar Health, and noted population health expert Dr David Nash from Thomas Jefferson University join Dominic Tyer to assess some of the mental health impacts of COVID-19 in the US.
They discuss the effects of increased anxiety on patients’ attitudes and behaviours during the pandemic and how approaches to mental health in the US need to change.
Lynnette and Dr Nash also consider what the coronavirus outbreak means for US public health and how the use of health technological is changing in COVID’s wake, such as with the accelerating adoption of telehealth and digital communications.
Kantar Health's Health Heroes podcast series aims to inform and educate life sciences companies on ways for getting closer to patients to help drive improved health outcomes.
Previous episodes have covered the impact of a rare disease and learning from China's COVID-19 experience.