Insights into HPAPI Containment and Banding Strategies

SMi Reports: Novartis, SKAN and Taro Pharmaceuticals to speak on containment and banding strategies at the inaugural HPAPI USA conference, taking place on October 21st-22nd in Boston
The HPAPI Industry is growing at an impressive rate with the market expected to be worth $28 billion by 2024 (Source: Yet with everything, great success comes with high risk, which means manufacturing processes need to operate with the utmost care to ensure safety.
SMi’s inaugural Highly Potent Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients USA conference, convening in Boston on October 21st-22nd, will explore how the latest technologies can benefit HPAPI with artificial intelligence and machine learning to hasten risk assessment and validation. However, the underlying subject will be containment issues with a special focus on containment banding solutions and disaster management procedures. Session highlights for the 2019 conference include:
Control banding – the power of hypnosis
• The value of applying risk-based data driven making process to your API risk management program
• Using data to identify appropriate technical solutions based on risk vs hazard
• Eliminate waste associated with over and under engineering and Personal Protective Equipment
Marc Abromovitz, Head of Industrial Hygiene, Novartis
Effective and safe containment solutions for biologics based HPAPIs along with cleaning and cross contamination requirements
• Regulatory requirements for highly potent biologics-base Pharmaceuticals
• Requirements for aseptic manufacturing and Containment
• Cleaning and Cross Contamination Requirements
Richard Denk, Head of Sales Containment, SKAN
The event brochure is available to download online at
Those interested in attending, an early bird saving of $400 is available for bookings made before May 31st. Registrations can be made on the event website at
Sponsors: Lonza and SafeBridge Consultants
Conference: October 21st – 22nd, 2019
Workshops: October 23rd, 2019
Sheraton Boston Hotel, Boston, USA
For delegate enquiries please contact Fateja Begum on +44 (0) 20 7827 6184 or
For sponsorship enquiries please contact Alia Malick on +44 (0) 20 7827 6156 or
For media enquiries contact Neill Howard on Tel: +44 (0)20 7827 6164 / Email: