6 Ways to Prioritize the Patient Voice in Patient Journey Research

Within the pharma industry, patient journey mapping tends to begin with a focus on an identified commercial opportunity. Multiple data sources are then integrated to map the patient journey and pinpoint needs that align with the identified opportunity. However, when patient journeys rely heavily on HCP feedback or big data sources as the backbone, patient-reported experience gets undervalued—and potential opportunities are missed.
Instead, patient journeys should always start with the patient. Then, HCP and caregiver feedback—perhaps paired with other data sources—can be put into the right context and can more effectively round out insights or fill gaps. For example, a recent patient journey map we created for an oncology product started at client request with HCP feedback who interpreted patient mindsets as mostly positive and hopeful. This map only became complete when unmet needs and other critical patient perspectives were layered in.
The millions of patients living with chronic and complex conditions who engage with Health Union’s communities provide unique immersion into the patient experience—and they can help identify new questions, needs, opportunities, and priorities for assets early in research and development (R&D) through to early and late commercialization.
There are many ways to approach patient journey research. There is no “one size fits all” way to dig deep into the different inflection points, twists, and turns along this journey. There are, however, essential guideposts to follow that will ensure patient voices are elevated and brought to the forefront so you can build an accurate and durable patient journey to support decision making.
Read 6 ways to prioritize the patient voice in patient journey research on health-union.com.