Digital Marketing Days in Warsaw: the impact of digital on pharma communication

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On February 19th, Digital Marketing Days in Warsaw successfully opened the third series of digital pharma marketing workshops in Europe. The event gathered around 50 experts in technology innovations and pharma professionals from the leading global companies to dwell on how digital is changing the overall company’s organization, likewise affects interactions with customers. Sanofi, Mylan, Roche, Eli Lilly, Pfizer, Novo Nordisk, Adamed – that is even not a full list of companies, whose representatives actively participated in discussion of the innovative solutions implementation into pharma marketing strategy.

So, what is the current situation on the polish pharma market? A short poll during one of the discussions revealed that 46% of the companies have already gone digital and actively use mobile CLM apps and interactive presentations to improve communication with customers. Yet, 37% still use printed aids for face-to-face activities in fields, though are open for some technology innovations. The 17% left are on their way to implementing digital marketing strategy, so are using both printed and digital materials for product promotion.

Considering the most common challenges pharma companies face, the experts outlined the localization of global presentations (68%), the approval process (49%) and the time- and budget-consuming updates of marketing materials (34%). In addition, some of the product, brand and training managers identified staff education as extremely important and not always provided to the necessary extent.

Guest speakers from London, Boston, Dublin, Münster, Prague, Warsaw and Kyiv created the greatest impression on the audience. The participants of the discussion have especially highlighted the presentations on KOL mapping, Big Data, universal timely content for communication in fields, education modules for employees training and SFE increase.

Interactive workshop at the end of the event in a friendly networking atmosphere became a real inspiration for the attendees and involved them into even more active participation. During it, they had a chance to go through all the stages of content production, approval and streaming across multiple channels. That allowed to see how eWizard platformunifies different departments and single team members to make collaboration between them a well-tuned one.

To have a quick look at the event, discover the most impactful moments and valuable takeaways, please, check the hashtag #DMDays on Twitter and Facebook, or visit the official Viseven Youtube channel to watch the recording of the live stream.

The next cities to host Digital Marketing Days will be Kyiv, Almaty, Moscow, Philadelphia and Barcelona. Not to miss the event coming to your city, follow the updates on our official website. To request a speaking slot for one open discussion – feel free to contact us right away.

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Tetyana Luschuk