Global Transparency Reporting Congress

Evolving Practices for GDPR, HCP Engagement and Consent Management

GDPR takes effect May 2018 – Is your organisation prepared? Join us 11-12 April in London for CBI and UBM's Global Transparency Reporting Congress to convene with a multitude of life sciences professionals for one final roundup before GDPR takes effect. Plus, you’ll gain the latest update on evolving worldwide regulations for compliantly reporting HCP/HCO payments.

With a stellar conference faculty once again this year, the conference agenda covers the most critical details, including:

  • Determine the impact of GDPR on Consent Management
  • Examine how to Efficiently Manage Third Party Data
  • Transparency Data Analytics Impact on the Anti-Corruption Landscape
  • Best Practices for Developing and Managing Your Scalable Global Transparency Program

Don’t miss this timely event, register now to ensure your place.

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Evanna Payen