Virtual engagement and collaborations: the pharmaphorum podcast


As the world passes the year and a half mark of the COVID-19 pandemic, the evolving ‘new normal’ experience across the healthcare sector has brought huge changes to the way pharma engages healthcare professionals.

Joining the pharmaphorum podcast to discuss these changes is Impetus Digital’s co-founder and CEO Natalie Yeadon, in a special episode sponsored by the virtual engagement agency.

She talks to Dominic Tyer about organising companies around digital innovation and how to develop a digital strategy while working within the constraints of the pharmaceutical industry.

Natalie also discusses how she came to found Impetus and the evolution of the pharma industry’s approach to virtual collaborations.

You can listen to episode 40 of the pharmaphorum podcast in the player below, download the episode to your computer or find it – and subscribe to the rest of the series in iTunes, Spotify, acast, Stitcher and Podbean.

23 September, 2021