Online Live Team Pharma Forecasting Training Now Available

Working remotely can have its challenges, why not get together for a fun and rewarding learning experience and refresh your forecasting skills?
Following the success of J+D Forecasting's face to face training, the content has been redesigned to make it suitable for live, online audiences. There are two types of courses, type one is tailored to your objectives and delivered by experienced forecasting professionals via a sharing platform. Your team is interviewed prior to the training and the focus of the training is agreed in advance with you and your colleagues.
The second type of training allows you to choose from a selection of pre-set courses that are completed when you choose. The most popular independent courses are the Fundamentals of Forecasting and Oncology Forecasting courses.
The training is suitable for anyone involved in pharmaceutical forecasting who wishes to refresh or learn new skills. It is particularly useful for Forecasters, Marketeers, Analysts and Market Researchers.
In addition, trainees gain access to FC+ software, case studies and quizzes, plus reminder cards.
For further information get in touch: or visit