5th International Cannabinoid-Derived Pharmaceuticals Summit

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Over the last half-decade, we have witnessed game-changing developments within the cannabinoid field, driving it into a new era of rigorous research, promising clinical trials and multimillion-dollar deals.

The 5th International Cannabinoid-Derived Pharmaceuticals Summit brings together drug developers working on the complex production of both plant-based, biosynthetic and synthetic endocannabinoid system modulators. An elite faculty of speakers will present on crucial topics such as rigorous clinical trial data exchange, and guide discussion through vital non-clinical focus points such as IP and funding strategy – as well as cutting edge insights from the academic world. Meet face-to-face with decision-makers from the likes of Jazz Pharmaceuticals Greenwich BiosciencesACHEMCannvalateCannabics PharmaceuticalsOxford Cannabinoid Technologies and many more at the first physical cannabinoid conference of the year.

What’s new for 2022?

  • The lack of human evidence for the mechanism of action for cannabinoids major and minor in different therapeutic areas – led by Anthony Almada from Imaginutrition and other key stakeholders
  • The wealth of RWE that can be utilised in a way that could uncover further potential for cannabinoid therapeutics with Jeff Chen, Radicle
  • For the first time ever, an MP from UK government will discuss the ins and outs of drug reform in the UK and the current roadblocks

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Hanson Wade

Hanson Wade