4th Annual Cell Engager Summit | May 24-26 | Boston, MA

With TCEs being studied in both hematological and solid tumors (39 and 34 trials respectively), there are now more than one hundred projects in the preclinical stage.
Early clinical outcomes and novel TCE design modifications have fueled the development and clinical advancement of over 65 bispecific T-cell engagers (TCEs), which are presently in Phase I and Phase II investigations since the Cell Engager Series began.
The 4th Annual Cell Engager Summit returns to bring you the latest on effectively targeting lymphocyte-restricted tumor-associated antigens to treat hematological malignancies, including CD19, CD20, BCMA, CD33, and CD123.
Learn all there is to know about the immune cell engager landscape, including clinical achievements, potential response predictors, and novel immune cell-based engager therapeutic discoveries.
Hear from Affimed, Sanofi, Cero Therapeutics, Harpoon Therapeutics, Takeda and many more.