Seeking effective, safe treatment for all with precision dosing

Modern medicine moves ever more to precision, personalised medicine, and precision dosing is critical in a world that recognises biological individuality – especially when it comes to paediatric care.
In a new pharmaphorum podcast, web editor Nicole Raleigh speaks with Dr Sharmeen Roy, chief scientist at DoseMe, for a conversation on precision medicine tools and how pharmacokinetic (or PK) and pharmacodynamic (or PD) characteristics are a – long overdue – trend in pharma at the moment, from lead identification right up to final-stage clinical trials.
Advancements in technology a key driver to this end, Dr Roy explains why such tools should be used to promote precision patient care, end to end.
You can listen to episode 159a of the pharmaphorum podcast in the player below, download the episode to your computer, or find it - and subscribe to the rest of the series - in iTunes, Spotify, Amazon Music, Podbean, and pretty much wherever you get your other podcasts!