From narrow AI to broad AI

As director of global life sciences at IBM Watson Health, Christina Busmalis is well placed to know how AI is set to transform life sciences. Paul Tunnah sat down with her to discuss how AI is developing in unexpected and exciting ways.
Historically everything was about clinical data, but now we’re starting to see Big Data and real world evidence come in. How do you see that balance shifting and how do you see that changing the R&D process?
I think we are actually no longer in the Big Data world. We’re in what we call a ‘broad data’ world. You may hear the term ‘deep data’ as well.
For us, broad data is about having myriad data types. In clinical you might have genomic data, phenotype data, medical scientific literature, electronic health record data, patient reported outcomes – there’s tonnes of data, and you need to be able to bring all that data together to drive insights.
• Read the full article in pharmaphorum's Deep Dive digital magazine