Solution Spotlight: Aktiia Blood Pressure Technology

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solution spotlight Aktiia

The Aktiia Medical Grade Wearable is a clinically validated device designed to provide accurate blood pressure measurements passively, regardless of whether the user is sitting, lying, or standing. It is not affected by hydrostatic pressure perturbations or demographic factors, making it suitable for 24/7 longitudinal blood pressure data collection in any setting.

Aktiia devices collect an average of 27 blood pressure measurements per day during passive wearing, offering a comprehensive and continuous profile of an individual's blood pressure. This capability facilitates the collection of extensive data, which can be used by healthcare providers to make more informed and personalised clinical decisions, enhancing the management of hypertension.

What problem or status quo deficiency are you solving?

Despite advancements in healthcare during the 21st century, control rates for hypertension are rapidly declining, and hypertension is understood to be the number one cause of preventable deaths and major cardiovascular events worldwide. A key reason for this decline is the continued reliance on outdated technologies, which do not provide the comprehensive data needed for personalised treatment.

Today, there is a clear need for modern, patient-friendly technology that can transform our understanding of blood pressure, enabling passive collection of blood pressure measurements every day, and permitting healthcare providers to make more personalised clinical decisions.

What has made this problem challenging to address in the past?

Current management strategies for hypertension often rely on archaic technologies and follow a one-size-fits-all approach, resulting in suboptimal outcomes and a decline in global blood pressure control. To improve management, personalised and data led healthcare approaches that consider individual genetics, lifestyle, and comorbidities are essential for effective treatment and prevention.

The manual effort required from traditional technologies has historically led to a lack of data with which to research into the true nature of blood pressure.

What new innovations does your solution bring to bear on these challenges?

  • Optical technology: using PPG sensors, Aktiia’s Medical Grade Wearable is the world’s first clinically validated BP Monitoring system.
  • Continuous monitoring: provides real-time, 24/7 BP, and heart rate data, unlike traditional periodic snapshots.
  • Regulatory compliance: CE-mark and MDR approvals validate its safety and efficacy, facilitating global adoption.
  • Real-time visualisation: innovative metrics like Time in Target Range (TTR) assist in effective BP management.
  • Research opportunities: taking an average of 800 passive BP measurements per month, in a patient friendly manner, opens the door to a whole new era of our understanding in BP through prospective research.

How does your solution work?

How Aktiia works graphics

What makes your solution stand out in the market?

Aktiia technology provides a detailed understanding of blood pressure fluctuations throughout the day and night. This ability to identify patterns and triggers, and enable novel health metrics like BP TTR provides an alternative to traditional BP technologies. In a research setting, Aktiia will passively collect thousands of BP data points after months of wear, allowing for unprecedented cardiovascular insights.

  • Dynamic mapping: continuous monitoring offers insights into daily blood pressure variations.
  • Personalised care: identifying specific triggers helps tailor treatment plans.
  • Global impact: enhanced understanding and treatment of hypertension improves health outcomes worldwide.

How does your solution improve the experience for the end user?

Patients and users love the Aktiia bracelet for its convenience and simplicity as a wearable blood pressure device that can be worn continuously 24/7, with all measurements taken passively and no intervention needed on behalf of the user. Aktiia has shown patients prefer their device vs a traditional BP cuff in 96% of cases. The real-time visualisation of powerful new metrics, such as blood pressure Time in Target Range (TTR), provides the user with exponentially more feedback and data with which to assess their health.

How does your solution compare with similar competitive offerings?

Optical blood pressure monitoring via PPG sensors is a truly novel innovation. As such, Aktiia is the world’s first and only clinically approved technology of it’s kind for continuous measurements in an ambulatory setting. Other comparable technologies are either designed for acute in-patient settings, or are providing estimations that are not accurate enough to be classified as a medical grade device.

About Aktiia

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Founded in Switzerland in May 2018, Aktiia was born out of a passion to create the best tool for the diagnosis and treatment of hypertension. Founders Drs. Mattia Bertschi (CEO) and Josep Solà (CTO) spent 15 years at the prestigious Swiss research institute CSEM, deciphering the language of the heart to deepen our understanding of blood pressure. Today, Aktiia's diverse team of 40+ extraordinary individuals is transforming years of innovative research into a global healthcare solution, offering the most complete and user-friendly blood pressure companion to date.

If you want to find out more about Aktiia visit their website

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