Collaboration is critical to the future of healthcare, and events are the key to unlocking it

Sales & Marketing
team collaborating

Collaboration is a huge topic in healthcare today. The industry is evolving extremely fast, and while that brings with it plenty of opportunity, it also creates new challenges. How do businesses educate their patients about complex health issues, for example? How do they introduce and integrate new healthcare technologies? And how do they manage an increase in demand for their services as people live longer lives?

Addressing these challenges requires collaboration, both within organisations and across the industry. Businesses and professionals need to be able to share their ideas, experiences, and expertise, and collectively develop innovative solutions that combine the power of science and technology.

But facilitating that collaboration is difficult. The healthcare industry is a fragmented one, and few have the time, space, or energy to think beyond their own day-to-day concerns.

Healthcare can’t drive progress within silos. There is a real need to foster cross functional learning and build bridges between teams, so the sector can collectively deliver its ambitions more quickly and effectively.

And, in our view, events - both internal and cross-industry - are one of the most powerful collaborative tools there is.

How events drive collaboration

Conferences and networking events bring people together in a way that no other channel can. They can connect people from across the industry - from insurance teams to care home staff - and allow them to discuss, and begin solving, their mutual challenges. Internal events can likewise go a long way to unite multi-disciplinary teams within healthcare’s often complex organisations.

Done right, events can also foster a sense of community. Life as a frontline clinician today can be extremely lonely, but events offer people a space to build relationships and find support.

Virtual events, of course, can provide a lot of value in the healthcare space, given their ability to reach a wider and more inclusive audience. But to best drive collaboration, in-person events are vital. This is for the same reason that so many businesses are encouraging their employees back into the office - the ‘real life’ environment engenders a sense of connection and purpose that just cannot be fully replicated online.

Live events are also often far more effective at holding the attention of their audiences, as people have already taken the step to invest their time and energy into attending. Meanwhile, demonstrations and hands-on sessions can showcase new technologies and their applications, helping to create a forward-thinking and innovative mindset.

It’s true that corporate events often carry a stigma of being stiff and sober, but with effective experience design, corporate events can be dynamic and engaging instead. By drawing inspiration from entertainment, theatre, and innovative technology, and fostering participation and inclusivity, compelling experiences can be created that momentarily circumnavigate the daily information overload healthcare professionals experience to inspire real change.

In short, the importance of in-person healthcare events that bring together global experts and opinion leaders cannot be underestimated. Spaces where companies, charities, hospitals, regulators, and disruptors can unite to drive impact in the face of challenges are vital.

Bupa’s story

Bupa is one example of a healthcare brand that truly understands the power of events. As a leader in the sector, the business creates spaces where all key players are brought together to drive progress, from clinicians to technical experts. Powerful actions and outcomes have been delivered as a result. The annual Bupa Symposium is an event designed with collaboration in mind.

As Katie Lansley, Director of Healthcare Strategy and Promotion at Bupa, says: “As the healthcare industry undergoes a rapid transformation driven by technological advancements and evolving patient needs, collaboration has become more crucial than ever. At Bupa, we foster collaboration in many ways, including cross-functional team meetings, joint research initiatives, partnerships with leading organisations, and more. In-person and virtual events play an important role in bringing together the healthcare community.”

Delivering lasting impact

In the healthcare sector, the stakes are high. The progress the industry makes has the potential to save lives. So, businesses want to get to solutions quickly - and for that, collaboration is vital.

Events have the potential to deliver lasting positive impact and value, far beyond the moment in time of the event itself. As a health organisation, the biggest impact you can have is by combining forces. It’s by getting a multi-disciplinary team around the table and bringing science and technology together, so that businesses can make things happen, solve collective challenges, and push the industry forwards.

Jessica MacGillivray
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Jessica MacGillivray