3rd Process Development for Cell Therapies Summit

3rd Process Development for Cell Therapies Summit

In the dynamic cell therapy landscape, where financial challenges continue to prevail, the emphasis on innovative process development becomes pivotal. Now, more than ever, there's a heightened demand for cost-effective solutions that bolster scalability and expedite development timelines.

Welcome to the 3rd Process Development for Cell Therapies Summit, your paramount gathering dedicated to advancing process robustness, scalability, speed, and affordability. This ensures the rapid advancement of highly efficacious products through clinical trials, securing a market-ready status with competitive commercial viability.

Whether you’re on the brink of IND or gearing up for BLA submission, this gathering of brilliant minds offers an unparalleled opportunity to glean insights form organizations like BMS, Beam Therapeutics, 2seventy Bio, Takeda, Century Therapeutics, AstraZeneca, and more!

Seize this opportunity to connect with technical experts united in the goal of streamlining process development. Through the sharing of best practices and pre-competitive insights, let's collectively drive the streamlined development of consistent, scalable, and cost-effective autologous and allogeneic cell therapies. Together, we can shape the future of cell therapy!
