Warsaw becomes the first European capital to host Digital Marketing Days
A 360 view of world’s best marketing forecasts, trends and practices, makes Digital Marketing Days an ideal platform for thought leaders to discuss and shape future prospects, exchange and acquire expertise from industry movers. The must-visit event for digital marketers, SFE and brand managers of the leading pharmaceutical companies. We provide you with perfect networking space to dwell on the innovative CLM and eDetailing seamless implementation into the marketing strategy.
How innovative digital solutions play into hands of creating the holistic customer view? How can pharma benefit from the technology conformity in the pharma-agency ecosystem? How to maximize the value of social media, empower the sales force and demonstrably deliver results?
During live discussion, organized by Viseven Europe, on February 19th in Warsaw which will gather top 10 technology innovators, we will present real-life cases and best practices on how to smoothly include digital innovations into corporate ecosystem, turn employees into brand advocates and make your company customer’s partner of choice.
Featured speakers and workshop leaders Paul McCord, Qstream (Dublin), Udo Wehkamp, Amerdis (Münster) and Nataliya Andreychuk, Viseven (Tallinn), will share their expertise in improving companies’ success by integrating smart digital solutions into their business processes.
Digital Marketing Days highlights:
• Embedding digital into the corporate DNA - digital as part of the multi-channel mix and integrated strategy in 2016.
• The rise of the data-driven sales manager: from sales rep to customer experience manager.
• Dive deep into digital: how can pharma benefit from the technology conformity in the pharma-agency ecosystem?
• Build the digital Customer footprint in the channel mix for enhanced and meaningful engagement.
• Optimize each channel for an improved F2F and digital user experience throughout the customer journey.
• Content management essentials: increase collaboration, communication and success of your digital marketing strategy.
• Hands-on workshop: better engage with your customers in real-time and develop relationships with personalized content and message.
Previous Digital Marketing Days series in Kyiv and Almaty gathered more than 100 pharma industry bright minds, the next cities scheduled after Warsaw are London and Philadelphia.
We invite you to join us in Warsaw and share your thoughts on the most common challenges and tendencies of pharma marketing development.
Watch the live video stream, read Twitter with #DMDays hashtag.
We encourage you to become a part of the most innovative and engaging winter event! See you in Warsaw!