FDA approves first generic version of Roche’s cancer drug


The US Food and Drug Administration has approved the first generic version of Roche's chemotherapy pill, Xeloda, to treat metastatic breast cancer and metastatic colorectal cancer.

Teva Pharmaceuticals USA has gained approval to market generic capecitabine in 150 and 500 milligram strengths. Generic drugs approved by the FDA have the same high quality and strength as brand-name drugs.

"Generic drugs are important options that allow greater access to health care for all Americans. This medication is widely used by people living with cancer, so it is important to have access to affordable treatment options."

Kathleen Uhl, M.D., acting director of the Office of Generic Drugs in the FDA's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research.

It's estimated that 1.6 million people in the United States will be diagnosed with cancer in 2013, according to the National Cancer Institute.


Related news:

FDA approves Teva's generic version of Roche cancer drug Xeloda (Reuters)

Reference links:

FDA press release

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