Precision medicine from concept to clinic

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In this edition of ‘Perspective ’, the magazine of Blue Latitude Health, we examine the challenges and opportunities that have risen with the dawn of precision medicine.

The emergence of new targeted therapies and diagnostic tests have led to a more complex network of stakeholders than ever before. Now, industry is working with new players who each have a variety of needs, challenges and pain points.

We have spoken to these stakeholders to chart their journeys and the role they play in ensuring patients can access precision medicines. Read on to hear from patients, healthcare professionals, scientists, those transforming healthcare systems, diagnostic experts, and executives at innovative pharmaceutical companies.

Find out their personal stories and gain a behind-the-scenes look at the role they play in driving novel healthcare innovations. Once you have learned from these first-hand accounts, turn to our precision medicine ecosystem, which begins on p.50 . Here, we reveal key insights to help you meet the needs of seven core stakeholders involved in launching and delivering precision medicines.

Blue Latitude Health works with commercial and medical teams in top pharmaceutical companies and innovative biotechs. Our capabilities, from insight and strategy to creative execution, ensure we can solve our clients’ end-to-end commercial challenges. Our early stage service is specifically designed to help launch cutting-edge products, ensuring our clients make a real difference in patients’ lives.

Download the publication to learn:

• An overview of how precision medicine is impacting stakeholders across the precision medicine ecosystem

• Breast cancer patient, Laura Holmes Haddad’s story of taking part in a novel PARP inhibitor clinical trial

• Laura's oncologist gives his perspective of the PARP inhibitor clinical trial along with his advice for industry

• What it’s like to treating paediatric patients with CAR-T at Great Ormond Street Children’s hospital

• How Genomics England is rolling out precision medicine across the nation

• Nancy Brandt explains how a top biopharma company is transforming internally to ensure it sits at the forefront of innovation

• Insights from seven key stakeholders, from payers and regulators, to healthcare technology, diagnostic companies, pharmaceuticals, healthcare professionals and patients.

Download the full PDF here

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Sophie Berger