2nd Annual mRNA-Based Therapeutics Summit Europe

Do you want to be part of the largest gathering for mRNA-dedicated professionals in Europe?
The 2nd Annual mRNA-Based Therapeutics Summit Europe is returning in-person to Berlin this January 24-26.
Expect exclusive data from the movers and shakers in mRNA vaccine and therapy development, 40+ world-class speakers, 2 dedicated tracks of content on discovery and development & manufacturing and 7+ hours of networking opportunities. Learn more here: https://ter.li/n4mm8o
Here’s a snapshot of the expert speakers you can hear from:
- Silvia Aiolli, Head of GRA mRNA Franchise, Sanofi
- Raymond Schiffelers, Professor, Nanomedicine, Utrecht University
- Giovanna Lollo, Associate Professor, Universite Claude Bernard Lyon
- Daniel Tondera, Head of Biology, Pantherna Therapeutic
- Andreas Kuhn, Senior Vice President RNA Biochemistry & Manufacturing, RNA Biochemistry & Manufacturing, BioNTech
- Cristina Bruno, Program Manager - mRNA Technology Transfer, World Health Organization
- Giovanna Lollo, Associate Professor, Universite Claude Bernard Lyon
- Mostafa Nakach, Global Head of Process Engineering for Biologic Drug Product Development, Sanofi
Download the official brochure to discover why Sanofi, BioNTech, Pfizer, Gamida Cell, Moderna, the World Health Organisation, and others have already secured their places. https://ter.li/fvx2eu