Editor’s voice – July 2011


Rebecca Aris


Continues from “Editor’s voice – June 2011

Unsurprisingly it’s been another busy month on pharmaphorum with more great content pouring onto the site. From coverage of conferences that you may have missed to interviews with those you’d like to hear from we’ve had it all.

Yesterday we celebrated another mini-milestone – our 300th article went live so we have plenty of back content to keep you entertained. Let’s take a look at some of the highlights of pharmaphorum from July:-

• The first of an emotive new series from the perspective of caregivers of rare disease patients. In part one Wendy White shares with us the story of her daughter Casey who was diagnosed with the rare disorder nail-patella syndrome. Wendy’s story highlights that it is often the caregiver who facilitates the correct diagnosis and this piece provides a valuable lesson for pharma – it’s certainly a must read this month.

Coverage of the release of draft guidance for mobile medical applications by the FDA with an insight into the future of mHealth by Michael Spitz.

"Yesterday we celebrated another mini milestone – our 300th article went live so we have plenty of back content to keep you entertained."

• Advice on entering emerging markets in the first in a three-part series by new pharmaphorum author Amit Vaidya. Amit is also a new face to twitter so follow him for useful tweets in this area.

• A new view of all things pharma from an ethical perspective in our new ‘Ethical reflections’ series by another new pharmaphorum author Claire Nicholson.

• The first in yet another new series on socialising your conference looking in this part at how important it is to select the right hashtag for your conference.

• Updates from the social networking world with a look at the new google + networking site and a rundown of how the latest guidelines on facebook pages will affect pharma.

• An insight into people’s thoughts on the questions ‘How do today’s pharma employees feel about their careers?’ bravely asked by Jane Chin.

• An overview of conferences you may have missed such as the PM Society’s ‘Digital showcase meeting’, ‘Digital Pharma West’ and ‘Frontier’s of e-Health’.

• As for interviews we saw:-

o A peek into the future of medicine 2.0 through the futuristic view of Bertalan Mesko

o An insight into the digital PR strategy at GE Healthcare from Veronica Botet

So how can we possibly top that?

Well it won’t be easy to offer such a vast range of exclusive content to you next month but our finger is remaining determinedly on the pulse and so we may just be able to. Here’s a look at what’s to come throughout August...

We’ll be interviewing a series of patients to hear from them on what pharma should be delivering and where they are meeting patient’s expectations. After all who else is in a better position to comment on how pharma is performing? This series will be beginning next month so eye peeled for some valuable patient feedback.

"After all who else is in a better position to comment on how pharma is performing?"

What one word sums up pharma? It’s a great question and we have numerous answers delivered by you, which Pete West will concisely wrap up for us in his upcoming article this month.

We’ll also be receiving updates on the world of pharma social media by speaking with Atul Sharma and Kai Gait pharma social faces series. We’ll also be hearing from Andrew Widger of Pfizer and we have interviews from Sanofi and Genzyme tucked up our sleeve for you next month too.

August will also see features on devices in the current market, a perspective on patients becoming the new KOL and our latest Expert Review article on the latest from the ABPI.

Not to mention our regular slots from Alex Butler, Paul Tunnah, Jean Samuel, Michael Spitz, Rene van den Bos, Faisal Ahmed, Chris Stevenson, Richard Heale, Claire Nicholson and –pause for breath - Amit Vaidya.

I hope that’s enough to keep you entertained but we’re always eager to hear of conferences you’d like to see covered, series ideas you may have and generally any other topic that you think we should be publishing on.

What else is on the site?

Further to our steady stream of engaging content we’ve also got another promotion on offer exclusively to you. We’re pleased to offer 10% off the ADA conference Buzz Report to our members. In addition there are many discounted event registrations on pharmaphorum so before you book your registration, visit our events page to see what we can offer you.

Until next time, we hope you continue to enjoy!

The next Editor's voice will be published at the end of August.

About the author:

Rebecca Aris is Managing Editor of pharmaphorum, the dynamic online information and discussion portal for the pharmaceutical industry. For queries she can be reached through the site contact form or on Twitter.

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