Ensuring successful digital outreach and retention in atopic dermatitis trials

White Papers
Clariness dermatitis whitepaper

Trial organisers face intense competition to find and recruit eligible patients for atopic dermatitis studies. With more than 500 dermatology clinical trials currently underway, it is often heard that there is a ‘’competition for participants’’.

Yet evidence from research studies and a survey with 4,000+ atopic dermatitis patients conducted by Clariness shows that this ‘race to recruit’ is actually not the primary reason for the growing discontinuation rate of atopic dermatitis trials.

Instead, atopic dermatitis clinical trial organisers often simply only reach out to a limited patient population and fail to reach the complete, diverse, patient population of atopic dermatitis. As a result, organizers struggle to recruit and retain potential eligible as pediatric and older adults, ethnic and racial minorities, rural residents, and those with low socioeconomic status. This is where digital patient recruitment can provide a fast, patient-centric, cost-efficient solution.

In a new whitepaper Digital patient recruitment and pre-screening methods for atopic dermatitis, patient recruitment specialist Clariness presents a roadmap to help clinical trial organisers navigate the digital engagement landscape and develop meaningful recruitment strategies that connect with a diverse patient population.

Through direct data-driven outreach methods and patient-centric communication, trial sponsors, CROs and study sites can raise the profile of atopic dermatitis trials and provide vital information about research to help address patient concerns and open up new pathways for patient recruitment in previously underserved communities.

To help companies develop a nuanced understanding of how to optimise digital recruitment efforts to connect with a more diverse community of patients, Clariness’ whitepaper outlines.

  • Identifying and understanding local atopic dermatitis patient populations based on a survey with 4,000+ patients with atopic dermatitis of all ages and backgrounds
  • Understanding atopic dermatitis patients Willingness to Participate (WIP) in clinical trials
  • Patient recruitment for moderate or severe atopic dermatitis
  • Digital screening techniques for atopic dermatitis

Understanding how digital patient recruitment and pre-screening methods can expand the reach of clinical research is essential if organisers are to address the rising number of discontinued trials and develop treatments that reflect the needs of all patient groups.

Read and download the full Digital patient recruitment and pre-screening methods for atopic dermatitis whitepaper