How are the European pharma and biotech sectors addressing strategic communications?

Sales & Marketing
How are the European pharma and biotech sectors addressing strategic communications?

Stakeholder expectations are high and, with all eyes on healthcare at the moment, it is essential for companies to go beyond generic commitments, says Rosanna Campbell-Gray.

Consumers are driving and accelerating change when it comes to healthcare, demanding better, faster and more accessible services. The COVID-19 pandemic has further altered the dynamics for this sector and leading players are showing the importance of collaboration, partnership and new forms of innovation in protecting public health globally.

With all eyes on healthcare at the moment, Lundquist conducted a deep dive analysis on Europe’s leading pharmaceutical and biotech companies in order to assess and map how companies are using strategic narratives to engage authentically, meet expectations and generate trust amongst their stakeholders. The best companies show rather than tell, giving stakeholders clear insights into how they are navigating this new scenario.

The benchmarking survey is based on 17 firms from seven countries and explores five main themes that are of utmost importance when it comes to communicating in 2021: strategic sector partnerships, digitisation and innovation, access to medicine, leadership, and efforts shown during the Covid-19 pandemic.


• Read the full article in pharmaphorum's Deep Dive digital magazine

22 October, 2021