6th Treg Directed Therapies Summit

6th Treg Directed Therapies Summit banner

Get ready for the much-anticipated return of the 6th Treg-Directed Therapies Summit! This year promises an enhanced experience with fresh data, a revamped speaker faculty, and unparalleled networking opportunities.

Immerse yourself in the latest advancements in CAR-Tregs, IL-2, and novel mutein therapies through our two comprehensive tracks of content. As the ultimate hub for all things Treg, this summit is your go-to resource, providing in-depth exploration and driving the future of Treg therapies across both cell-based and non-cell based approaches.

Discover groundbreaking insights in 10+ presentations featuring new data, offering a glimpse into the clinical translation of Treg therapies and precision modifications to enhance therapeutic efficacy. Join us on the forefront of Treg therapy, leaving with the tools and knowledge to expertly modulate Tregs for autoimmunity and beyond. Don't miss out on this opportunity to navigate the cutting edge of Treg therapy!

14 February, 2024