“The important thing is to not stop questioning.” (Albert Einstein)

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Intuition and experience – the ideal combination for finding a solution to an issue… or is it? What if you add data and hard evidence into this mix, is there then the possibility that you may discover answers to your problem that you previously would not have known to consider?

To answer, all we need do is look to history for numerous examples in support of this – one of which involves Einstein, who was dismissed by scientific leaders across Europe as inconsequential until years later the sheer volume of his published work forced them to take him seriously.

The question remains though, what more could have been achieved if he had been recognised much earlier?

Turning this lens to modern day, we find that even now, Medical Affairs may be overlooking the unsung heroes of the biotech world because of a tendency to use a top-down approach and favour the use of research published in a select number of well-known scientific journals and events, according to Medical Affairs data and analytics company Medmeme.

Medmeme’s vice president of Medical Affairs, Dr Joseph Laudano, says Medical Affairs departments should take a “bottom-up” approach to identify the brightest and most prolific researchers in order to keep abreast of latest scientific developments.

The ability to combine advanced insight with the intuition and experience held by Medical Affairs means a raft of changes to what is possible across all functions.

To understand more about how Medical Affairs is advancing through data, including its ability to find and work with our future scientific leaders much earlier, read the full article by CLICKING HERE.

17 October, 2017